Time to Walk on Water

Often times, when I am having a difficult day, when I don’t feel like doing everyday life, when words are hard, and emotions are high (some call it being in their “feels”), I like do this little mind exercise where in my mind, I go to my favorite place in the entire world. Morro Bay, [...]

Last Word | Forgiveness

Recently, I was having a discussion with my seven-year old daughter. The conversation centered around her need to have the last word in any argument, disagreement, conversation, etc. The point I was attempting to make to her was that it wasn’t always necessary for her to get the last word in the conversation. “Sometimes,” I [...]

Dusting off the blog

It's been awhile... My last post was 10.6.2015 which equates to one year and nine months since I posted something new on my blog. I am not entirely sure why it’s been so long since I was able to string some words together for your reading pleasure. You could blame life, family, work, lack of [...]